Dispatch User Request to a team's image
Dispatch User Request to a team
2.8k installs


The standard life cycle for User Request tickets in iTop does not allow to assign a ticket to a Team without assigning it to a specific Person inside this Team. This extension allows to dispatch an User Request ticket to a Team, without assigning it to particular Person, by adding states to the life cycle.

  • Dispatch to a Team is a new transition to be performed before Assign
  • Later, from the Dispatched state the User Request can then be Assigned to a Person.
  • The Time To Own metric stops when the ticket is actually assigned to a Person, but not when only dispatched to a Team.
Version Get it!
1.2.1 free
1.2.0 free
1.1.11 free
1.1.7 free
1.1.5 free
1.1.3 free
1.1.1 free
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