Datacenter view's image
Datacenter view
2k installs


Easily manage & visualize your racks, enclosures and datacenter devices.

  • See at a glace where your devices are.
  • Check which attached devices have no position set.
  • Toggle obsolete devices easily.
  • Full support of english, french, dutch & german languages.
  • External applications like racktables or rackmonkey are no longer necessary to visualize your data.


Access device's main information on hover (customizable) Overview - Tooltip

Identify specific devices type by hovering the legend Overview - Legend

Highlight devices based on their name / serial number / asset number Overview - Legend

Online demo

You can try the "extended" version of this extension on the online demo. There are already some racks, enclosures and devices mounted as an example. Just click on the links below to access it:

Advanced features in the extended version

Look for the Datacenter view extended extension.


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