Allow users to see or edit dates & times in their own timezone instead of the server's default one. Perfect for:
Easy on the users with a simple wizard to set up their timezone, they can either choose to let the app find their timezone and adjust it when they travel...
... or they can choose a specific timezone and stick to it (useful when working with a remote team) ...
... and, that's all! Timezone can be changed at any time in the user preferences.
Any dates & times attributes in the UI will automatically be converted, a small icon indicates that it is now displayed in the user's timezone. (see limitations). Works in both the backoffice and the end-users portal.
Backoffice lists
Backoffice object details
Portal lists
IMPORTANT: Before buying it, make sure you have read the following limitations.
For the moment some parts of the application are NOT compatible with the timezones:
Compatible with iTop 2.7 and 3.x. \ Except for iTop 3.0.0 due to a regression in the app APIs which was fixed in 3.0.1.
This extension embeds some third-party resources:
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