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Mail to ticket automation
10.5k installs


Improve support and helpdesk efficiency by automatically creating and updating tickets from incoming emails.

It is faster and easier for both users and support agents:

  • Users don't have to go to any support portal, they just send an email.
  • Support agents receive all the information in their iTop console without scanning any team mailbox.


It automatically scans several mailboxes to create or update tickets (Incidents or User Request).

  • Creates Ticket and set title, description, caller and organization based on eMail information.
  • Updates Ticket, for replies to an iTop notification, or if a Ticket reference is found in the eMail subject.
  • Can automatically create contact in iTop when the sender email does not match an existing iTop Contact (configurable).
  • Adds the other recipients (CC: and TO:) as contacts on the ticket.
  • Rejects eMails using patterns on email subject to ignore "out of office" messages (configurable).
  • Keeps eMail's attachments as Ticket's attachments ("dangerous" types of attachments can be excluded).
  • Images embedded inside an HTML mail are displayed inline in iTop as well.
  • Changes the Ticket state upon reception of an email.
  • A Ticket updated by email can trigger notifications (configurable).
Version Get it!
3.8.0 free
3.7.5 free
3.7.2 free
3.7.0 free
3.6.1 free
3.6.0 free
3.5.2 free
3.5.1 free
3.3.2 free
3.3.1 free
3.2.1 free
3.1.1 free
3.1.0 free
3.0.17 free
3.0.15 free
3.0.14 free
3.0.11 free
3.0.7 free
3.0.6 free
3.0.5 free
3.0.4 free
3.0.3 free
3.0.2 free
3.0.1 free
2.6.12 free
2.6.11 free
2.6.10 free
2.6.9 free
2.6.8 free
2.6.7 free
2.6.6 free
2.6.5 free
2.6.4 free
2.6.3 free
2.6.2 free
2.6.1 free
2.6.0 free
+ Expand - Reduce



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